söndag 20 januari 2008

Äntligen singel

Alla flickor nu kommer glädjebesked nummer 1! Ryan Adams är singel.
Förhållandet med Jessica Joffe är finito. Så snart kommer Ryan släppa en as deppig breakup skiva igen och jag längtar verkligen.
jag ska dessutom åka till NY, track him down and then sweettalk him into moving in with me. Snart e han all mine!

Ryan Adams (i webcam) - Like Yesterday

Det sägs även att det är Ryan som har skrivit denna dikt.

In no way do I not realize this is insane but I have to try and share somehow. I mean, I am helpless sometimes against wanting to fix the things that were never broken between people. its my nature. its why i play music. so anyway JJ blocked my email. if you like, here is a poem to share. LIGHTHOUSE

when a woman leaves
she leaves
and leaves
with scents
and all the smells
of the house
when a house is calm
she takes with her the essence
of a place
painting the insides invisibly
while you were not looking
or shall I say, I

when a woman leaves
her smells
are small
each much nastier than a sting
burned into your bed
in a fiery ring

and with her went the candles too
white ones, delightful ones
lit from time to time
when she left she took the pictures
no diety confusion
or something
either way my retinals are masked with shadows of lines of the burn mark of her face inside
tonight i missed
that scent
that smell
which i why i sleep with her sweater
it is still there
fading in the rest of a wooden ship
with a white flag
and battered sail
from storms passed
where calm is now
a lighthouse is a lighthouse with or without
a light

Jag sitter och lipar. Men snart kan jag hålla om honom och trösta honom. Jajaja!!!

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